Ruby process monitor
Ruby process monitor

ruby process monitor

If you do not see anything logged as you restart your application, this means that the gem was not loaded. You can force the agent bootstrap logs to be logged to the console ( stdout) by setting the environment property ORACLE_APM_RUBY_AGENT_CONSOLE_LOG to any value (example: true). If the log directory or file cannot be found under the Rails log directory, check that the ORACLE_APM_RUBY_AGENT_HOME is defined. For example, adding a require ‘oracle_apm’ statement to the bootstrap sequence of your application. If there is no Gemfile for the Ruby process to monitor, ensure that the oracle_apm gem gets loaded. If the gem is present in the gem library, ensure that it is correctly referenced in the application Gemfile. If more than one version is present, make sure to specify the right version in the Gemfile definition. If it is not present, install it using the gem install command. $ gem list oracle_apmshould display the agent gem version you expect to run. Verify that the oracle_apm gem is present in the gem library.

ruby process monitor

If the agent_startup.log file is not present, this means that the agent startup sequence was not triggered or that an early error happened.

ruby process monitor

If the agent home directory was specified ( ORACLE_APM_RUBY_AGENT_HOME), the log directory will be located within the agent home directory, under logs/. If the agent is installed for a Rack-base application like Rails, the log directory will be located in the directory log/apm_agent under the application root directory. To check if the APM Ruby Agent is properly installed and started, locate the agent’s log directory and look for the agent_startup.log file.

Ruby process monitor